當我們意識越擴展,就越能明白生命運作的大畫面。而當我們邁入更高的文明演化,我們可能將不再稱現在所謂的神為「神」,而稱神為「一切萬有」(All That Is)。因為,所謂的神,事實上只是一切、一切的一切;只是 ALL,只是 ALL THAT。而 All That 永遠只是 IS——只是「如是」。既使「非如是」也是「一切萬有」的一部分。不是嗎?
「在天上與地球上,有比你們的哲學所能夢想的還更多的東西啊,賀拉修。」(“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”)
我跟你說過,我從開始就答應過你。我說,我們會有三本書。第一本,討論個人的生命真相與挑戰(individual life truths and challenges)。第二本,討論這星球就跟一個家庭般的生命真相(truths of life as a family on this planet)。第三本,我說過,會涵括最大的真相,有關於那些永恆性的問題(the largest truths, having to do with the eternal questions)。在其中,我將揭露一些宇宙的秘密。
那它就應該會是那樣。(Then so shall it be.)
尼爾:除非它不是。(Unless it’s not.)
沒錯!沒錯!你懂了!現在你懂了什麼是「神聖二分法」(Divine Dichotomy)。現在你看到了全貌(see the whole picture)。現在你領會了整個計畫。
一切——所有的一切——那曾經存在的、此刻存在的以及將存在的,都存在於此時此刻(Everything—everything—that ever was, is now, and ever will be exists right now.)。因此,一切……只是「如是」(And so, all that is……IS.)。然而,一切如是皆在不斷地變化,因為生命是一個持續在進行的創造歷程(life is an ongoing process of creation)。因此,以一種非常真實的意義來說,那如是的……亦非如是(That Which IS……IS NOT)。
這「如是」的狀態永遠不會是一樣的(This ISNESS is NEVER THE SAME.)。這意謂著如是即非是(Which means that the ISNESS is NOT.)。
尼爾:好吧,不好意思,查裡·布朗(Charlie Brown,註:1950年代美國漫畫故事主角,一個勇於為面對不完美、冒險、堅持不放棄的9歲小男孩。),只能好自為之囉!那這樣的話還有什麼事情意謂著什麼意思嗎?
摘自《與神對話 II》第20章
“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
Your wonderful metaphysician, William Shakespeare, wrote that.
Neale: Then Jesus was a spaceman!
I didn’t say that.
Neale: Well, was he or wasn’t he?
Patience, My child. You jump ahead too much. There is more. So much more. We have another whole book to write.
Neale: You mean I have to wait for Book 3?
I told you, I promised you from the beginning. There will be three books, I said. The first would deal with individual life truths and challenges. The second would discuss truths of life as a family on this planet And the third, I said, would cover the largest truths, having to do with the eternal questions. In this will be revealed the secrets of the universe.
Unless they are not.
Neale: Oh, man. I don’t know how much more of this I can take. I mean, I’m really tired of “living in the contradiction,” as You always put it. I want what’s so to be so.
Then so shall it be.
Neale: Unless it’s not.
That’s it! That’s it! You’ve GOT it! Now you understand the Divine Dichotomy. Now you see the whole picture. Now you comprehend the plan.
Everything—everything—that ever was, is now, and ever will be exists right now. And so, all that is… IS. Yet all that IS is constantly changing, for life is an ongoing process of creation. Therefore, in a very real sense, That Which IS… IS NOT.
This ISNESS is NEVER THE SAME. Which means that the ISNESS is NOT.
Neale: Well, excuse me Charlie Brown, but good grief. How can anything then mean anything?
It doesn’t. But you are jumping ahead again! All of this in good time, My son. All of this in good time.