聽神談【人類稱為「道德」 之社會習俗】:2/3 篇
摘自《與神對話之新啟示》第 20章
Neale: Many say that it would be working if people would just adhere to this “mental construction” called “morality”! They say that what stops us from living together peacefully is that people and nations do not honor this construction. They say that it’s not the philosophical construction that is at fault, it’s people’s behavior.
And yet, many of their most damaging behaviors are based on this construction.
By human measurements and human standards, you would say that many people act their worst when they think they are acting their best.
Neale: Ouch. That’s tough to hear.
I have no judgment about these behaviors (or anything else that humans do), but if humans say that what they seek and desire is to live in peace and harmony, they may notice that they often do things when they say they are acting their best that do not lead to peace and harmony.
Neale: Can you give me an example?
I can give you hundreds of them.
How about a father kicking out his unwed pregnant daughter? Or rebuking his son because he married outside the faith or outside the race? Or a family disowning a child for being gay?
How about a 23-year-old woman strapping a bomb to her body and walking into a crowd in Jerusalem to set it off?
People do things like this because they are making moral judgments.
This twisting of everything that to you seems “right” occurs because your construction of “morality” itself is based on the fallacies we’ve discussed earlier.
People think they are doing “right,” based on what they believe that “God wants” or that “Life requires”—yet their information on that is inaccurate.
And that is why, often, it is not when people ignore morality that difficulties arise, but when people pay too much attention to it.