數千年來,人類世界始終難以達到真正和平與和諧的主要原因之一是:不了解生命運作之基本法則的「功能性」,也就是神所謂的「功能文盲」(functional illiteracy)——意思是我們大多數人對於「功能性」並不了解,自然也就不懂得如何在生活中去遵循和運用。您願意幫助我們社會、幫助更多人脫離「功能文盲」嗎?讓我們現在就從自己開始!
在聽神談「改變世界的觀察建言」系列中,探討「擴展人類對於『道德』的覺知」確實是一個相當顛覆性的〝新觀念〞。 讓我們繼續了解和檢視「道德」:
聽神談【「道德」與「功能性」】: 1/4
事實上,經由你們自己的行徑作為,你們已經自行證實了: 「道德」等於「功能性」。
You have based your moral authority on Sacred Laws that you apply on a take-it-or-leave-it basis, depending upon how you feel about them at a particular moment, in a particular culture, under particular circumstances.
In other words…
Your morality has no standard at all except what works and what doesn’t work.
That is the truth, and everything else is a fiction.
You have to decide for yourself, because the words of both your laws and of your God have been shown to be foolish when swallowed whole, when applied indiscriminately, when adhered to absolutely, literally, and without flexibility in every case and circumstance. They can’t function in that way. Nothing can function that way.
Many of your religious laws, by your own admission, should simply be ignored. They could hardly be the source of your entire society’s true moral underpinnings.
Therefore, by your own actions, you have proven that:”morals” = “functionality.”