Neale: There are people who believe that it’s possible to have too much sex to allow one to advance spiritually. They say that spirituality and sexuality do not mix. So, let me just ask you directly. Does sexual energy interfere with spiritual energy? Does the expression of it deplete one’s “energy reserve,” making it difficult or impossible to achieve spiritual awakening?
If that were true, then Life would be working against the purpose of Life Itself.
The purpose of Life is to evolve, yet if the physical act that creates Life and expresses love reduces the prospects of evolution, wouldn’t that be a huge flaw in the workings of the universe?
Neale: Sure seems to me that it would be.
I can assure you that Life was not put together that haphazardly.
It is not true that sexual expression inhibits spiritual awakening. Not even a lot of it. It is true that too much emphasis on anything produces imbalance and depletion of energies.
Too much work, too much eating, too much drinking, too much sugar, gardening, bowling, swimming, TV, carrot juice, sex…too much of any- thing—even too much spiritual practice—can create an imbalance.
The Buddha discovered that. He experienced that enlightenment could not be achieved through the practice of self-indulgence—but neither could it be achieved through the practice of self-deprivation or self-mortification. In fact, it was achieved on the middle path between the two, where all things were kept in balance.