在任何時刻感受都只會精確地告訴你「你 being 什麼狀態」。而每一個人可以簡單地藉由改變「你所 being 的狀態」,來改變「你的感受會是如何」。這是一種Being創造——跨越心智領域的生活體驗和創造。
在《與神對話 I》第一章神說「感覺是靈魂的語言,文字是心智的語言」(Feeling is the language of the soul. Words are the language of the mind.)。
當我們隨著《與神對話 三部曲》的基礎逐漸擴展了意識,到第四本《與神為友》神開始大量地向我們解說「什麼是 Being」。從 being 的角度,神說「感覺」是一種反應,感覺是你對「你 being 什麼」的一種反映、回應(response),但你的「 being 」並非對任何東西的反應。 Being 是一種選擇。 being是產生感受的源頭。
在每一個當下時刻、在任何時刻,你們都「being」某種狀態。而「你的感受是什麼」正精確地告訴你「你正 being 什麼狀態」。你們的感受從不說謊。感受不知如何說謊。它們任何時刻都只會精確地告訴你你 being 什麼。而你們可以簡單地藉由改變「你所 being 的狀態」,來改變「你的感受會是如何」。
你可以選擇「處於」 (choose to “be”) 一種不同的狀態!
「你感覺怎樣」是對「你 being 怎樣」的一個反映和回應 (The way you feel is a response to the way you are being.)。而這是你們能控制的。這就是我正在告訴你們的。
「 Being 」是一種你將自己置於其中的狀態,它並非一種反應。「感覺」則是一種反應,但「 being 」並不是。你的感覺是你對「你 being 什麼」的反應(反映和回應),但你的「 being 」並非對任何東西的反應。 Being 是一種選擇。
尼爾:我正在選擇成為我所是的?( I am choosing to be what I am? )
尼爾:「父啊,請寬恕他們,因為他們不知道他們在做什麼。」 (“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” 新約聖經,耶穌被釘到十字架上講的最後一句話。)
I am saying to you that in every single moment of now you are “being” something. And what you are feeling tells you exactly what you are being. Your feelings never lie. They do not know how to. They tell you exactly what you are being in any moment. And you can change how you are feeling by simply changing how you are being.
Neale: I can? How do I do that?
You can choose to “be” a different way!
Neale: That doesn’t seem possible. The way I feel is the way I feel. I can’t control that.
The way you feel is a response to the way you are being. And you can control that. That is what I am telling you here. “Beingness” is a state in which you place yourself, it is not a response. “Feeling” is a response, but “being” is not. Your feelings are your response to what you are being, but your being is not a response to anything. It is a choice.
Neale: I am choosing to be what I am?
You are, indeed.
Neale: How come I am not aware of that? I don’t seem to be aware of that.
Most people are not. Because most people have forgotten that they are creating their own realities. But because you have forgotten you are doing it does not mean you are not doing it. It means that you simply do not know what you are doing.
Neale: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”