整個地球、整個宇宙,以及我們所有的記憶,都是我們用來體驗人生與生命的情境脈絡場(contextual field)。人類當中的智者和前輩們懂得利用紀念和儀式來喚起人們的記憶,以避免人們再次重覆慘痛的經驗或教訓。
整個宇宙都是你們(用來體驗人生與生命)的脈絡場!你們所有的記憶也是。(The whole Universe is your contextual field! All of your memory, as well.)
他們的忠告比你們所知的還要明智,因為當在記憶中創造出一個脈絡場,就可以讓你們在現今的時刻不需要再這樣做。你們真的可以說:「再也不會這樣了。」並且心口如一。而在宣告這一點時,你們就是利用你們的恥辱(dis-grace)時刻來創造出你們的恩典時刻(moments of grace)。
The whole Universe is your contextual field! All of your memory, as well.
The elders and the wise among you often exhort you to erect monuments, to create special days and solemn rituals to commemorate your past—your wars, your holocausts, and all your moments of dis-grace. Why commemorate these? you may ask. Why keep bringing up the past? And those elders will say, “Lest we forget.”
Their advice is more sound than you know, for in creating a contextual field in memory, you make it unnecessary to do so in the present moment. You truly can say “Never again,” and mean it. And in declaring this, you use your moments of dis-grace to create moments of grace.
Can your species make such a declaration? Can the human race remember itself as it was when it reflected, in every thought, word, and deed, the image and likeness of God? Are you capable of such splendor?
Yes. I tell you yes, and yes, and a thousand times, yes!
This is how you were meant to be, this is how life was designed to be, before you lost yourself in the illusions.