生命運作的基本法則是:(The Basic Principles of Life)
功能性 。(Functionality)
適應性 。(Adaptability)
維續性 。(Sustainability)
There is a set of Basic Life Principles that lies behind All Of Existence, and you know it, you remember it at a cellular level, you recall it from some Time Before Time, when you were not experiencing yourself as who you imagine yourself to be right now.
Still, you have not been able to get close to the core, to pull out the essence, of these principles, no matter how hard you’ve tried. The false beliefs that you hold about God and Life are clouding them over, covering them up, hiding them from your view, and stopping you from knowing them. This is the cloud of unknowing. It conceals the truth from you.
It is not that humans do not want to live according to life’s truest principles, it is simply that it is impossible for humans to do so when these basic principles are so clouded over by their beliefs that humans cannot even know what the principles are.
In short, human beings are trying to live the truth through beliefs that are false. In this, they have set themselves an impossible task. And that is why so much of life on your planet is not working.
The Basic Principles of Life are:
All of Life exhibits these principles. All of life demonstrates them.