神永遠在擴展和改變。擴展和改變的過程永不終止。這就是生命如何運作其功能 (function),這就是生命如何適應(adapt),及生命如何維續(sustain)它自己。這過程就是你們所謂的「演化」。
一切生命都是在動的能量(All of life is energy in motion.)。沒有東西是恆常不動的。完全沒有。在宇宙裡,沒有一樣東西是靜止的。一切都在動。而這個「動」即是「改變」。這改變的過程即所謂的「演化」。
就某個層面而言,你們把神想成是從不改變的東西的舊想法,是沒錯。只是這想法還不完整(incomplete)。它並沒有深思或考慮到:關於神唯一永遠不變的事情,可能是,神永遠在變,這點可能是恆常不變的(the Constant)。
神永遠在擴展和改變(God is always expanding and becoming.)。擴展和改變的過程永不終止。這就是生命如何運作其功能 (function),這就是生命如何適應(adapt),及生命如何維續(sustain)它自己。這過程就是你們所謂的「演化」。
尼爾:我實在不願意告訴你, 生命中某些事物是永遠不變的。
尼爾:好吧,我們就 來談石頭的例子。我們來談我花園裡的石頭。它們在那裡已經很多年了,但它們一點改變也沒有。它們是惰性的無生命物體,它們不會改變。
一切生命都是在動的能量(All of life is energy in motion.)。沒有東西是恆常不動的。完全沒有。在宇宙裡,沒有一樣東西是靜止的。一切都在動。而這個「動」即是「改變」。
In a sense, your old idea of God as that which never changes was correct. It was simply incomplete. It did not contemplate or consider that the one thing which never changed about God could be that God is always changing; that this could be the Constant.
In fact, it is.
God is always expanding and becoming. The process of expansion and becoming never ends. It is how Life functions, it is how Life adapts, and it is how Life sustains Itself. This process is what you have called Evolution.
Neale: I hate to tell you this, but some things in life never change.
Nothing in life “never changes.”
Neale: Nothing?
Neale: Well, some things certainly seem to not change.
Name one thing.
Neale: Okay, so we’ll stick with the rock example. We’ll talk about the rocks in my garden. They’re there, they’ve been there for years, and they’ve not changed a bit. They are inert objects, and they do not change.
Wrong. They move. They change. They are in constant motion. Under a high- intensity microscope you would see this. You would see particles constantly in motion, racing at incredible speed relative to their size, spinning their tale. It is their story. It is the Story of the Rock. All of life is energy in motion. Nothing stands still. Nothing. Not a single thing in the Universe is static. All is moving. And movement is change.