並不是僅有一個「未來」存在,你可以創造出一切可能的無數個未來(There is not just one “future” that exists, but every possible future that you could create.)。
生命永遠不會結束,因為生命沒有「開始」也沒有「結束」。你只會以你此刻的意識狀態,一次體驗到一種生活(you will only experience in your present state of consciousness one life at a time)。
摘自《與神對話 4》第28章
You could change the future that you, and all those living now, experience. There is not just one “future” that exists, but every possible future that you could create.
Think of it as a game of computer chess. Every conceivable outcome of every conceivable move is already on the program disk. You are determining how the game proceeds by the moves you make, but you could put the same disk into the computer tomorrow and play the game from scratch making different moves, and the program would respond in a totally different way – producing an entirely different “future” with an entirely different outcome.
In the computer chess game, all of the possible futures already exist, and you are deciding which of those outcomes you will experience, based on the moves that you make.
Neale: Well, there’s another wonderful analogy! Even my limited mind can now begin to conceive of reality in a new way.
You and those who will live after you can and will “change” the future (you are merely selecting the future that you choose, based on the moves that you make!), affecting all those living with and after them – and on and on, through the ages.
When I said that everything that ever happened, that is happening now and that ever will happen, is happening right now, I meant “everything” in the biggest sense of the word. This includes every possibility and every outcome and every future you could imagine – and some of which you have not even begun to conceive.
Neale: So the future is assured! We know that it exists, in some form or another, depending on what “moves” we make.
The future is assured. But which “future” you experience is up to you.
We are not talking “predestination” here. There is no One Single Future into which you have no choice but to step. There is The Future that you are creating and experiencing, based on the choices and actions you take.
Neale: You have so often said, “There is more going on here than meets the eye,” and you were not kidding. You meant that literally.
I did, indeed. And now you have grown in your perception to the place where you can understand how I could mean it literally.
So if you care about what your future will be like on Earth, you will begin creating that particular “future” by affecting and changing conditions “now”.
Life will never end, because Life has no “beginning” and no “end”. But you will only experience in your present state of consciousness one life at a time. What your present lifeline brings you, and all those who are travelling alongside you through the Space/ Time Continuum, depends on you and on them.