You don’t have to save the world. You will save the world as it is—for yourself, your children, your grandchildren, and theirs—only if you choose to.
Life is never going to end. That is what I am telling you here. The System is self-regulating, self-sustaining. The System is always functional, adaptable, and sustainable. So Life is never going to end. Let’s make that clear right here.
And your world, your planet, is not going away for a very, very, very long time, on the scale of time you are using. So when I use the words “save the world,” I use them to mean “keep the world in place as you know it.”
I have explained that you “save” the world when you preserve it. And you preserve the world when you pre-serve it. That is, when you serve it before you even think about serving it. When it is the natural, instinctive thing to do.
Right now, you are violating your own instincts. Your in-stincts are telling you that what you are doing to your world and to your very Self is destructive, yet you continue to do these things anyway.
And so you are Life, ignoring the message of Life Itself. But you will not be allowed to ignore that message for very long. As I have said, Life will change its form (that is, adapt It-self to become sustainable) before it will allow any Part of Life to render Life Itself dysfunctional. And so you will see individuals who ignore the most important and functional messages of Life changing their form. To put this in your own terms, they will die.
Some of them will die very young. Most of them will die be-fore they would have died had they not ignored the simple messages about what makes their present life more sustainable.
Therefore, if you are enjoying life in your present form, you are urged to learn more about what makes life sustain-able in that form, and to pay more attention to that.
Learn and learn and learn until it becomes second nature to live in sustainable ways. Keep bringing in the information that will help you in this. Look at it over and over again. Tell your-self the same things. Repeat yourself.
Repeat, repeat, repeat the wisdom of the ages, until it has melted into your subconscious.