你們是生命,卻在忽視生命本身的信息。但你們將不會被允許忽視那信息太久(You are Life, ignoring the message of Life Itself. But you will not be allowed to ignore that message for very long.)。如我說過的,生命將在它容許「生命的任何部分讓生命本身失去功能」之前,在改變其生命形式(也就是說,調適它自己以變得能維續它自己)。
And so you are Life, ignoring the message of Life Itself. But you will not be allowed to ignore that message for very long. As I have said, Life will change its form (that is, adapt Itself to become sustainable) before it will allow any Part of Life to render Life Itself dysfunctional.
And so you will see individuals who ignore the most important and functional messages of Life changing their form. To put this in your own terms, they will die.
Some of them will die very young. Most of them will die be-fore they would have died had they not ignored the simple messages about what makes their present life more sustainable.
Therefore, if you are enjoying life in your present form, you are urged to learn more about what makes life sustainable in that form, and to pay more attention to that.
Learn and learn and learn until it becomes second nature to live in sustainable ways. Keep bringing in the information that will help you in this. Look at it over and over again. Tell yourself the same things. Repeat yourself.
Repeat, repeat, repeat the wisdom of the ages, until it has melted into your subconscious.
Neale: So that’s why this dialogue keeps repeating itself.
Yes. This conversation keeps going around in circles because Life is nothing more than a process of going around in a circle. But we will yet be covering new ground, because each time you go around the circle, you see more than you saw before, you understand more than you understood before, you expe-rience more than you experienced before. And so the circle expands.
This is the expansion of consciousness of which we have spoken.