願望(Desire 欲望)。是由你的願望創造你的經驗。
一旦你放棄這心智的認同,你的經驗不再由你所相信(what you believe)的東西創造,而是由你的願望(what you desire)。這即是你們“天堂”經驗的開始。
死亡的三個階段(three stages of death)不過是再次認同的三個步驟(Three Steps of Reidentification),它們是:
1.釋放你對身體的認同。(Releasing identification with the body.)
2.釋放你對心智的認同。(Releasing identification with the mind.)
3.釋放你對靈魂的認同。(Releasing identification with the soul.)
一旦你認為自己是什麼,或者不是什麼,你就是在想像自己為受限的(imagine yourself as limited)。然而「本源」是絕對無限的。在「融合的時刻」,你與萬有(the All)認同——就是說你不與任何特定之物認同。什麼也不認同。
Belief does not create your experience after the second stage of death.
Neale: What does?
The three stages of death are designed to move you, gently and as rapidly as you wish to move, through the process of re-identification.
In the second stage of death you still identify with your mind, and so your experience is dictated by what is IN your mind. Your beliefs create your experience.
Once you drop this identity, your experience is created not by what you believe, but by what you desire. This is the beginning of your experience called “heaven.”
You may experience these three stages of death that I have now several times described even while you are alive.
Neale: Now wait a minute. I know you said that I could experience the Moment of Mergence while.
I am alive, but I have not heard you say this.
We are talking about the same thing. We are talking about the death of the idea of separation. This is what happens at the moment of your physical death, and that can occur at any time.
The three stages of death are simply the Three Steps of Re-identification.
These are:
1. Releasing identification with the body.
2. Releasing identification with the mind.
3. Releasing identificationwith the soul.
Neale: But if we are identifying with none of those aspects of ourselves, then what are we identifying with?
Neale: Nothing? We are identifying with nothing at all?
No thing in particular.
As soon as you think that you are something, or that you are NOT that, then you begin to imagine yourself as limited. Yet the Essence is in no way limited. In the Moment of Mergence you identify with the All-which means that you identify with nothing in particular: Nothing at all.