


影片摘自:2011巴夏傳訊會-Master Tools of Manifestation
原版影片:2011-Master Tools of Manifestation
中文翻譯: Jimmy

How an actual real change works in your reality?

Personality, being a construction, like a three-sided prism, of three components: Your beliefs and definitions, your emotions, thought patterns, and your physical behaviors.

These three things go hand in hand, to creating the artificial projection or construct you called “Your individual personality for this particular life”.

The idea thus, is that it all takes its cue.

The behaviors, and the emotions, and thoughts, all take their cue from definitions and beliefs first.

That is the first and foremost tool that you need in your kit: is to understand consciously how to recognize what your definitions and belief of life is all about and what your relationship to life and yourself is all about.

And once you begin to have a handle on those definitions and those beliefs, then the idea of manifesting what you prefer becomes more conscious.

You become more aware of your capability of making choices.

And thus you are free consciously to choose what it is you prefer to manifest.

But as we said, physical reality is a mirror.

Very much like the idea of a glass mirror on your planet, when you look in the mirror and you see a reflection. If the reflection’s face is frowning, you know you don’t go over to the mirror and attempt to make the reflection smile.

It will never work. The only way the reflection can smile is if you smile first.

But the idea is that, many of you’ve been taught to think of physical reality as something to manipulate, which it’s not from the outside.

The idea is that, as you change, physical reality on the outside has no choice, like the reflection in the mirror, but to change.

However, here’s where many of you will get a little bit stuck.

We recognize that what you have created is a physical reality, space-time experience has a little bit of a time lag, has a little bit of an idea of volumetric space and time. Things take time.

So, when you do create a change within your belief system within, the idea is that you will see a reflection from the outside world, but you may not see it right away.

The idea is that what you may see first is what we call “An echo of what you have already created”.

The idea being that the same situation may crop up as cropped up before.

Now, we know that many of you when you see the same situation crop up, when you see it appear before you, may sometimes, because of how you’re taught to think of yourself, go into self-recrimination, and self-doubt, and self devaluation, and say:

“I must be doing something wrong.”

“Something is wrong with me.”

“Why isn’t the outside reality changing to reflect what I know has changed within me?”

But the idea is there is that echo.

And sometimes physical reality will simply give you the same situation, the same set of circumstances that was there before, to give YOU an opportunity to see if you actually really have changed.

Because change and here is one of the primary tools in the kit, is this knowledge:
Change is not about what happens on the outside.

It’s about how you respond to what happens. It is state of being, not circumstance.

So the idea is that, if you say you have change and a similar situation crops up, that cropped up before when you were in a negative state, and you react in the same negative way to that circumstance, you haven’t changed.

Therefore there is no reason for the outside reality to change, because you’ve just proven with the same old reaction that you haven’t changed.

If however, the same situation crops up, the same set of props appears before you, and you respond in a different way, in a way that is reflective of the fact that you really believe you’re a different person.

Then you are proving to physical reality you really have changed.

And when you make that proof available to reality, then creation and the mirror can change to reflect a true change within you.

So remember, it’s not about the idea of what changes on the outside that proves you have changed.

It’s how you respond to what’s going on the outside, even if it’s still the same that proves you have changed.

Does that make sense?

Q: Yes.

Because there is no outside, physical reality is just a reflection.

It’s just an illusion. It is just another version of you, in whatever state you are in.

And if you constantly need to remind yourself what state you are in, that’s what the reflection is for.

So that you can look in the mirror, and if you see the frown, you can say: “Oh that’s not what I prefer. I prefer to smile”.

And thus then, when you keep smiling because that’s what you prefer, the mirror will have no choice, but if you make it conditional:

“Well I’ll smile when the mirror smiles first.” “I’ll change. I’ll be happy. I’ll be happy when my physical reality changes first, then I’ll be happy as a reaction.”

It doesn’t work that way, because physical reality is nothing but the reflection of the state of being you believe is most true for you.

So if you choose to be happy because you don’t need a reason other than that’s what you prefer, then physical reality, as a mirror, has no choice but to reflect the happiness you have decided is the state of being you prefer without gauging it based on what’s going on in physical reality, because physical reality is just a neutral set of props.

Circumstances do not have built-in meaning at all.

The greatest gift you have been given by Creation is that life, I know this will sound funny: Life is meaningless!

The point being that you were created to give life meaning, and the meaning you give it, determines the effect you get out of it.

It is totally neutral unto itself. Just a set of neutral props that have no built in meaning, but it is simple physics: What you put out is what you get back.

What you typically call “Karma”, in some of your religious connotations, the idea simply is, is that whatever frequency you give off is the reflection
that gets back to you.

So the idea simply is, is that if you understand everything is neutral, and doesn’t have built in meaning, then you don’t have to react any particular way to anything that happens.

Every circumstance and every situation, if you see it is fundamentally neutral, you can then decide,

you can make a conscious choice that it must serve you in a positive way.

You may not intellectually understand how it will do so, and you don’t need to. That’s the point.

The point is you simply have to trust and have faith that it will, because you know there’s no other choice.

You know that everything happens in your life for a reason. Therefore, it must serve you in a positive way, even if you don’t intellectually understand how that can be so.

And when you maintained that state of being, you will then see in some way shape or form, how the very same circumstance that seems so negative before can actually served you in a positive way.

Because everything can do double duty, because everything is fundamentally neutral.

And when you put the meaning in, the positive meaning in, you can only get a positive effect out, even if someone else’s intention toward you is negative.

The idea again being, that every single one of you have your own reality.

Yes, it seems that you’re sharing a reality, but you’re actually not sharing the same reality.

The only way that you perceive you have other people in your reality, by agreement, is that you agree to create out of your own energy, out of your own consciousness, your version of them in your reality to interact with.

You are actually just your own reality.

And even though it seems to be populated with billions of people that is simply the versions of them you have created in your reality to interact with.

So, it really doesn’t matter what anyone else’s intention toward you is.

You can decide whether their intention and their vibration in their state of being is appropriate for you, is preferable to you.

And when you decide what is preferable, then regardless of anyone else’s intention the energy, being the energy of your own reality, will serve you in the way, in the manner you have deem it shall serve you, because of the decisions you have made.

And another person’s reality will be experienced by them in the way they have put energy into that reality and meaning into that reality.

It’s as simple as that. It is simply physics. There’s really nothing more to it than that.

人類歷史上已經有許多偉大的哲學家和思想家,一些Great Thinkers,都曾用過不同或近似的敘述方式,在傳達和展示First Principles這種高文明智慧的思維模式,但直到現在還是很少人認識它,更別說運用它。 如果你想提升自己的開創能力,你辨別洞察事情的能力(discernment),處理事情、解決問題的能力,並讓自己更具高瞻遠矚的眼光,不妨認識一下「First Principles」這種地表最強的推理思維模式。 而特斯拉的伊隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)似乎已成為First Principles運用上的最佳見證和榜樣。讓我們來一窺究竟,什麼是First Principles?
人類歷史上已經有許多偉大的哲學家和思想家,一些Great Thinkers,都曾用過不同或近似的敘述方式,在傳達和展示First Principles這種高文明智慧的思維模式,但直到現在還是很少人認識它,更別說運用它。 如果你想提升自己的開創能力,你辨別洞察事情的能力(discernment),處理事情、解決問題的能力,並讓自己更具高瞻遠矚的眼光,不妨認識一下「First Principles」這種地表最強的推理思維模式。 而特斯拉的伊隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)似乎已成為First Principles運用上的最佳見證和榜樣。讓我們來一窺究竟,什麼是First Principles?
今日世上確實有一位「IQ最高 + EQ最高 + 領悟反應最快,並且可能是你曾見過——不只從文字上——最有智慧 +最常展現無條件的愛 + 最幽默的人,你會想知道他到底是誰?在哪裡?對你有什麼幫助嗎? 他能夠解答許許多多有關我們個人、社會、全球性和宇宙性的疑問與困惑,包括和我們生活切身(如健康、飲食資源、能源、生態環保)有關的科技關鍵、經濟、教育、外星文明等,有關提升人類意識,促使社會進化和諧的解答… 事實上,確實有這樣一位活生生,並且歷歷可證的人存在。 他被稱為巴夏(Bashar),是一個不折不扣的外星人。現在,有一個可適當了解巴夏是誰、是什麼、如何運作、有何價值最容易的方式,是一部珍貴的紀錄片:人類與外星文明的《首次公開接觸》
今日世上確實有一位「IQ最高 + EQ最高 + 領悟反應最快,並且可能是你曾見過——不只從文字上——最有智慧 +最常展現無條件的愛 + 最幽默的人,你會想知道他到底是誰?在哪裡?對你有什麼幫助嗎? 他能夠解答許許多多有關我們個人、社會、全球性和宇宙性的疑問與困惑,包括和我們生活切身(如健康、飲食資源、能源、生態環保)有關的科技關鍵、經濟、教育、外星文明等,有關提升人類意識,促使社會進化和諧的解答… 事實上,確實有這樣一位活生生,並且歷歷可證的人存在。 他被稱為巴夏(Bashar),是一個不折不扣的外星人。現在,有一個可適當了解巴夏是誰、是什麼、如何運作、有何價值最容易的方式,是一部珍貴的紀錄片:人類與外星文明的《首次公開接觸》
人類在地球上的演化,已經走入一個巨大轉變的階段,許多社會普遍的「核心觀念」已開始受到顛覆性的挑戰。在這巨大轉變的衝擊下,地球上所有的演化都在加速。全球性的危機日益頻繁,重大災難事件愈來愈多,而許多人們的內心早已向天發出了的呼求… 用非常平易近人的話語和現代文字,這位智者透過尼爾在清醒的意識下,以「自動書寫地回答」尼爾的提問及「自動書寫地問答」的方式,傳遞了九套「親自解說」的觀察建言資料,提供了我們珍貴的參考資訊與忠告,其內容從個人生活的切身問題到社會各大議題,從全球的危機到宇宙的奧秘,從死後生命如何運作到生命的更大真相、意義與目的等大哉問,都是一種具有擴展意識、提醒和啟發性的「宇宙最高智慧」。
人類在地球上的演化,已經走入一個巨大轉變的階段,許多社會普遍的「核心觀念」已開始受到顛覆性的挑戰。在這巨大轉變的衝擊下,地球上所有的演化都在加速。全球性的危機日益頻繁,重大災難事件愈來愈多,而許多人們的內心早已向天發出了的呼求… 用非常平易近人的話語和現代文字,這位智者透過尼爾在清醒的意識下,以「自動書寫地回答」尼爾的提問及「自動書寫地問答」的方式,傳遞了九套「親自解說」的觀察建言資料,提供了我們珍貴的參考資訊與忠告,其內容從個人生活的切身問題到社會各大議題,從全球的危機到宇宙的奧秘,從死後生命如何運作到生命的更大真相、意義與目的等大哉問,都是一種具有擴展意識、提醒和啟發性的「宇宙最高智慧」。
此單元內容可有效幫助人們從一個只以兩個面相(「頭腦心智」主宰著「身體」的行為)在運作的Human Minding,加速覺醒,成為一個以完整面相(即「頭腦心智」和「較高心智」並用地結合「身體」的行動)在運作的Human Being。 其道理很簡單,因為本質上,人類是一種「身心靈三面向合一在運作」的生命,缺乏任何一個面向就根本無法運作。因而,要加速覺醒和成為一個完整面相的Human Being,「認識Being」是個很重要的關鍵。
人類歷史上已經有許多偉大的哲學家和思想家,一些Great Thinkers,都曾用過不同或近似的敘述方式,在傳達和展示First Principles這種高文明智慧的思維模式,但直到現在還是很少人認識它,更別說運用它。 如果你想提升自己的開創能力,你辨別洞察事情的能力(discernment),處理事情、解決問題的能力,並讓自己更具高瞻遠矚的眼光,不妨認識一下「First Principles」這種地表最強的推理思維模式。 而特斯拉的伊隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)似乎已成為First Principles運用上的最佳見證和榜樣。讓我們來一窺究竟,什麼是First Principles?