


影片摘自:2019-Midnight Under The Hunter’s Moon

【進入「異次元入口」 的靜心引導】音樂中文字幕(15分45秒)

Bashar’s Invitation to be at a portal place for lifting vibration closer to Open Contact

This is one of the things we do in beginning stages
— is to mention certain activity spots, activity times, and see
what kind of experiences you have, what you’re capable of perceiving.

The more that you apply the information that we share with you, the more you use what we have euphemistically referred to as an “Instruction Manual” for the nature and structure of reality, the closer to our vibration you become.

We can to some degree lower our frequency to make us more compatible with you, but we cannot lower it that far.

So in order for us to eventually meet face-to-face, you must meet us at least halfway.

Now, this is changing as we said over time and what I’m about to tell you is NOT, I repeat, not (because we don’t want to hear the rumors): ”Bashar said spaceships are gonna land, and we’re all gonna meet them on this day, at this place, and this time.”

That’s not what we’re saying.

But what we are allowed to do now, things have changed sufficiently so that we can give you something a little bit closer to the idea.

And what that means is we can tell you now a particular place, a particular date, a particular time when there will be a lot of heightened activity of

What you call UFOs, spacecraft, extra dimensional, extraterrestrial activity in a certain area for a variety of reasons we won’t necessarily go deeply into at the moment.

But nevertheless, by being in that area at that time, it will be advantageous for the vibrational energy of your being to be open to whatever it is that does happen in those moments to whatever it is you might see in that moment.

And it will go towards lifting your vibration a little bit closer to the point where we can along with other extraterrestrials someday meet you face-to-face.

Those of us that have faces, that is of course, for there are many that are extra dimensional beings that do not necessarily have the same kind of form that you do.

Nevertheless, the idea is that there are certain moons, months as you call them that have been given names by indigenous people in your area for a long long time,

And the idea of the Fall Hunt, the Autumnal Hunt for the gathering storage of food for the winter falls in your month of October, and therefore it is called the next full moon, the Hunter’s Moon.

Your next full moon falls this coming Sunday next the 13th.

Therefore, if you are willing, if you are open, it’s up to you.

If you will allow yourselves to be in the area called “Joshua Tree National Park” on the 13th of October at midnight, under the Hunter’s full moon, there will be a lot of activity in that area of a variety of types.

So you may get a chance to have a higher probability of experiencing something, seeing something, encountering something in a certain way that will help to make you more familiar with the idea of the vibrations of higher realities.

You may receive information, you may receive a heightened sense and experience of synchronicity in that place at that time.

It is a very powerful portal and it will be highly active at that time.

So many different kinds of consciousnesses may take advantage of coming through that portal for a variety as I said of their own reasons.

But this is as close right now as we can come to giving you an actual physical location and actual physical time, and actual physical date,

For when you can to whatever degree is possible and probable for you now have some form of encounter that will lead to stronger encounters in your future.

Does this excite you?


Alright. Well… we and others will see how many show up. And that will tell us everything.

Remember that we are always observing and always taking the measurement of when you truly are ready or not ready for additional and expanded ideas of contact.

So, and I remind you of course that the language of physical reality isn’t words but action. So by your actions we will know who is more ready. So, we will see.

But we invite you at this time to the degree we are allowed to, to the degree that serves you best to be at that place, at that time, midnight October 13th, Joshua Tree National Park.

And see what happens.

And for those of you that do allow yourselves through synchronicity to experience something that you may not have expected to experience,

We also invite you to report back and let us know what it is you experience so that we may help illuminate exactly what it is that happened in your experience.

Because we can bring more information to you when you let us know exactly what your experience was.

And we may be able to open more doors for you as to how to have even a more expanded experience next time we give you a place and the time.

For this is what will now begin to happen toward the idea of “Open Contacts”.

This is one of the beginning stages—is to mention certain activity spots, activity times, and see what kind of experiences you have, what you’re capable of perceiving, or not perceiving all.

All of these are fine.

But then by reporting back in detail what it was, we can perhaps guide you a little bit more specifically and a little bit more precisely as to how to expand the next such experience for the next time place and date that we will give you. Make sense?

Of course people in Europe really want to know if there’s any place they can go in Europe, where they… or Asian or Australia or…

This is a particular portal with a particular purpose and a particular event right now.

We will give similar ideas, similar timings and locations for other places around the globe after this one has occurred.


The language of physical reality is action.
So by your actions we will know who is more ready.

人類歷史上已經有許多偉大的哲學家和思想家,一些Great Thinkers,都曾用過不同或近似的敘述方式,在傳達和展示First Principles這種高文明智慧的思維模式,但直到現在還是很少人認識它,更別說運用它。 如果你想提升自己的開創能力,你辨別洞察事情的能力(discernment),處理事情、解決問題的能力,並讓自己更具高瞻遠矚的眼光,不妨認識一下「First Principles」這種地表最強的推理思維模式。 而特斯拉的伊隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)似乎已成為First Principles運用上的最佳見證和榜樣。讓我們來一窺究竟,什麼是First Principles?
人類歷史上已經有許多偉大的哲學家和思想家,一些Great Thinkers,都曾用過不同或近似的敘述方式,在傳達和展示First Principles這種高文明智慧的思維模式,但直到現在還是很少人認識它,更別說運用它。 如果你想提升自己的開創能力,你辨別洞察事情的能力(discernment),處理事情、解決問題的能力,並讓自己更具高瞻遠矚的眼光,不妨認識一下「First Principles」這種地表最強的推理思維模式。 而特斯拉的伊隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)似乎已成為First Principles運用上的最佳見證和榜樣。讓我們來一窺究竟,什麼是First Principles?
今日世上確實有一位「IQ最高 + EQ最高 + 領悟反應最快,並且可能是你曾見過——不只從文字上——最有智慧 +最常展現無條件的愛 + 最幽默的人,你會想知道他到底是誰?在哪裡?對你有什麼幫助嗎? 他能夠解答許許多多有關我們個人、社會、全球性和宇宙性的疑問與困惑,包括和我們生活切身(如健康、飲食資源、能源、生態環保)有關的科技關鍵、經濟、教育、外星文明等,有關提升人類意識,促使社會進化和諧的解答… 事實上,確實有這樣一位活生生,並且歷歷可證的人存在。 他被稱為巴夏(Bashar),是一個不折不扣的外星人。現在,有一個可適當了解巴夏是誰、是什麼、如何運作、有何價值最容易的方式,是一部珍貴的紀錄片:人類與外星文明的《首次公開接觸》
今日世上確實有一位「IQ最高 + EQ最高 + 領悟反應最快,並且可能是你曾見過——不只從文字上——最有智慧 +最常展現無條件的愛 + 最幽默的人,你會想知道他到底是誰?在哪裡?對你有什麼幫助嗎? 他能夠解答許許多多有關我們個人、社會、全球性和宇宙性的疑問與困惑,包括和我們生活切身(如健康、飲食資源、能源、生態環保)有關的科技關鍵、經濟、教育、外星文明等,有關提升人類意識,促使社會進化和諧的解答… 事實上,確實有這樣一位活生生,並且歷歷可證的人存在。 他被稱為巴夏(Bashar),是一個不折不扣的外星人。現在,有一個可適當了解巴夏是誰、是什麼、如何運作、有何價值最容易的方式,是一部珍貴的紀錄片:人類與外星文明的《首次公開接觸》
人類在地球上的演化,已經走入一個巨大轉變的階段,許多社會普遍的「核心觀念」已開始受到顛覆性的挑戰。在這巨大轉變的衝擊下,地球上所有的演化都在加速。全球性的危機日益頻繁,重大災難事件愈來愈多,而許多人們的內心早已向天發出了的呼求… 用非常平易近人的話語和現代文字,這位智者透過尼爾在清醒的意識下,以「自動書寫地回答」尼爾的提問及「自動書寫地問答」的方式,傳遞了九套「親自解說」的觀察建言資料,提供了我們珍貴的參考資訊與忠告,其內容從個人生活的切身問題到社會各大議題,從全球的危機到宇宙的奧秘,從死後生命如何運作到生命的更大真相、意義與目的等大哉問,都是一種具有擴展意識、提醒和啟發性的「宇宙最高智慧」。
人類在地球上的演化,已經走入一個巨大轉變的階段,許多社會普遍的「核心觀念」已開始受到顛覆性的挑戰。在這巨大轉變的衝擊下,地球上所有的演化都在加速。全球性的危機日益頻繁,重大災難事件愈來愈多,而許多人們的內心早已向天發出了的呼求… 用非常平易近人的話語和現代文字,這位智者透過尼爾在清醒的意識下,以「自動書寫地回答」尼爾的提問及「自動書寫地問答」的方式,傳遞了九套「親自解說」的觀察建言資料,提供了我們珍貴的參考資訊與忠告,其內容從個人生活的切身問題到社會各大議題,從全球的危機到宇宙的奧秘,從死後生命如何運作到生命的更大真相、意義與目的等大哉問,都是一種具有擴展意識、提醒和啟發性的「宇宙最高智慧」。
此單元內容可有效幫助人們從一個只以兩個面相(「頭腦心智」主宰著「身體」的行為)在運作的Human Minding,加速覺醒,成為一個以完整面相(即「頭腦心智」和「較高心智」並用地結合「身體」的行動)在運作的Human Being。 其道理很簡單,因為本質上,人類是一種「身心靈三面向合一在運作」的生命,缺乏任何一個面向就根本無法運作。因而,要加速覺醒和成為一個完整面相的Human Being,「認識Being」是個很重要的關鍵。
人類歷史上已經有許多偉大的哲學家和思想家,一些Great Thinkers,都曾用過不同或近似的敘述方式,在傳達和展示First Principles這種高文明智慧的思維模式,但直到現在還是很少人認識它,更別說運用它。 如果你想提升自己的開創能力,你辨別洞察事情的能力(discernment),處理事情、解決問題的能力,並讓自己更具高瞻遠矚的眼光,不妨認識一下「First Principles」這種地表最強的推理思維模式。 而特斯拉的伊隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)似乎已成為First Principles運用上的最佳見證和榜樣。讓我們來一窺究竟,什麼是First Principles?