自由並不是某種別人給你的東西。自由是「你是誰」的本質(Freedom is the essence of Who You Are.)。
不, 是你阻止了你自己。你以爲沒有小孩留在外面比他們父母想要的更久嗎?或沒有十四、十五或十六歲的孩子為了那樣的理由逃家,而從此不回家嗎?
人類常試圖想讓別人爲他們的選擇和他們的經驗負責。自由是了解到,是你在做那些選擇,是你在創造那經驗。 (Freedom is understanding that you are making the choices and you are creating the experience.)
沒有人能「被脅迫」去做任何事。他們只是能覺得他們好像被脅迫。 (Nobody can be “coerced” to do anything. They can only feel as if they are.)
Neale: Why can’t I stay as late as I want? What’s with “curfews”? I don’t get it! Why am I being treated like a child? Why can’t I be given the freedom to go where I want to go and do what I want to do, as long or as late as I want to do it?
Freedom is not something that others give you. Freedom is the essence of Who You Are.
You’re asking why your parents can’t give you the freedom that you want, and I’m saying that you already have that freedom, because it is inherently who and what you are.
If there is anything that you are not being or doing, like staying out past curfew, it is because you have chosen not to.
Neale: I have chosen not to ? There’s a swich. It’s my parents who are stopping me.
No, it’s you who are stopping yourself. Do you think there are no children who have not remained out longer than their parents wanted them to? Or, for that matter, run away from home at fourteen, fifteen, or sixteen and never gone back?
Neale: So you’re not saying here that I should deliberately disobey my parents, or run away from home, are you?
Of course not. I’m saying that you should exercise your freedom to do as you choose— but to notice that you are doing the choosing.
I’m saying that you may exercise your free- dom to honor your parents’ curfew or not. But if you choose to honor it, do not say that your parents are making you. You are doing what you are doing for your own reasons, not theirs.
Remember the babysitting example?
Human beings often seek to make other people responsible for their choices and their experience. Freedom is understanding that you are making the choices and you are creating the experience.
In other words, you are doing what you are doing in order to get something out of it.
Neale: You mean, like a place to live? You mean, loke peace in the house, without lots of screaming and hollering? You mean, like avoding being grounded? Is that what you call”freedom”? Doing things to avoid bad outcomes? That doesn’t seem like freedom to me. That feels like coercion.
Nobody can be “coerced” to do anything. They can only feel as if they are.