隨著意識的成長,當你開始意識到:人生中的所有經驗——不論就個人或群體——都是源自當事者所處的意識層次與意識狀態,你的意識成長將加速起飛。你也將了解為何與神對信息說:意識的成長,是人類所有的進步成長當中,最偉大(最珍貴)的成長(the greatest growth of all)。反芻此篇的每一句話,將對我們的意識成長非常有幫助。讓我們繼續檢視第八篇【完整了解「希特勒為何上天堂?」系列摘文】- 8/10:
「希特勒經驗」的目的(效用),是向人類顯露人性的面貌 (是指上一篇所說的:人類無法體會他人痛苦、分別心、優越感的「集體意識」,已經三千年都沒改變!)。
意識是一切,並創造你們的經驗。(Consciousness is everything, and creates your experience.)
群體意識是力量強大的,並製造難以形容的美麗與醜惡。(Group consciousness is powerful and produces outcomes of unspeakable beauty or ugliness.)
而選擇永遠在你們。(The choice is always yours.)
改變別人意識的最佳途徑,就是你以身作則。(The best way to change the consciousness of others is by your example.)
如果你以身作則(的影響力)還不夠,去組成一個群體——(讓自己)先成為「你想要別人體驗的那種意識」的泉源(be the source of the consciousness you wish others to experience)。當你們身體力行,他們就會想去經驗。
它起始於你(It begins with you.)。一切是從你開始的,所有事情(的改變都是如此 )。
希特勒給了你們千載難逢的機會去改變這世界(Hitler gave you a golden opportunity to do that.)。在向你們顯示關於你們(人性的面目、你們是誰)這件事上,希特勒經驗——如同基督經驗——所含意和揭示的真理是深遠的。然而,這些較大的覺知——不論是從希特勒的事件,或從佛陀的;從成吉思汗的,或從海爾·克裡希那(Hare Krishna)的;從匈奴人阿鐵拉的,或從耶穌基督的——只有當你們還記得這些人時,覺知的啟發才可能活耀。
這乃是為什麼猶太人要建立大屠殺紀念碑,要你們永遠不忘這事件。因為你們每個人心理都有少許的希特勒心態——只是程度的不同。殲滅一個民族就是殲滅一個民族,不論是在奧許維茨(Auschwitz)或是在傷膝澗(Wounded Knee)。
摘自《與神對話 II》第4章
The purpose of the Hitler Experience was to show humanity to itself.
Throughout history you have had remarkable teachers, each presenting extraordinary opportunities to remember Who You Really Are. These teachers have shown you the highest and the lowest of the human potential.
They have presented vivid, breathtaking examples of what it can mean to be human—of where one can go with the experience, of where the lot of you can and will go, given your consciousness.
The thing to remember: Consciousness is everything, and creates your experience. Group consciousness is powerful and produces outcomes of unspeakable beauty or ugliness. The choice is always yours.
If you are not satisfied with the consciousness of your group, seek to change it.
The best way to change the consciousness of others is by your example.
If your example is not enough, form your own group—you be the source of the consciousness you wish others to experience. They will—when you do.
It begins with you. Everything. All things.
You want the world to change? Change things in your own world.
Hitler gave you a golden opportunity to do that. The Hitler Experience—like the Christ Experience—is profound in its implications and the truths it revealed to you about you.
Yet those larger awarenesses live—in the case of Hitler or Buddha, Genghis Kahn or Hare Krishna, Attila the Hun or Jesus the Christ—only so long as your memories of them live.
That is why Jews build monuments to the Holocaust and ask you never to forget it. For there is a little bit of Hitler in all of you—and it is only a matter of degree.
Wiping out a people is wiping out a people, whether at Auschwitz or Wounded Knee.
Neale: So Hitler was sent to us to provide us a lesson about the horrors man can commit, the levels to which man can sink?