你們可能稱這為「否認的逆轉」 (denial “reversal”) :
環顧四周,然後做一個簡單的宣告:在我的世界裡,沒有一樣事物是真的。 (Nothing in my world is real.)
你所看見的東西,沒有一樣是真的。 (Nothing that you see is real.)
是你的鐘錶(your watch 註:也是「你的觀看」的意思),撥快了十分鐘。
事實上你是在「觀看你自己」。也就是說,你在哄騙自己相信「不是那樣的東西」是那樣。 (You are actually “watching yourself”. That is, you are deluding yourself into thinking that what is not so, is so.)
當你們聽到「你們在地球上所經驗的,全都是製造來讓人相信 (make-believe) 的」時,有些人可能會覺得沮喪。然而別灰心喪志,因為你們的世界是你們最大的禮物——一個你們得以欣賞的驚奇,一個你們得以享受的寶藏。
The way to use the Illusion is to know that it is an illusion, and the way to know that it is an Illusion is to use it. The process is circular, like Life Itself.
It begins with your denial of the Illusion as having anything to do with reality. For a very long time you have been denying Ultimate Reality. You have been denying Who I Am, and Who You Really Are. Now you will simply turn your denial around.
You might call this denial “reversal.”
Look around you and make a simple declaration: Nothing in my world is real.
It is that simple.
I have told you this before, in many ways at many times. I am telling it to you again, here.
Nothing that you see is real.
It is your watch, set ahead ten minutes.
You are actually “watching yourself.” That is, you are deluding yourself into thinking that what is not so, is so.
But you must watch out, because you can forget very easily that you are living within an illusion of your own creation.
Some of you may feel depressed when you are told that what you are experiencing on your planet is all make-believe. Yet do not be downhearted, for your world is your greatest gift, a wonder for you to behold, a treasure for you to enjoy.