僅是想要「與神團圓」的欲望就會引發「與神分離」的經驗。(The mere desire for reunion with God produces it. 註:意思是與神再度合一是所有靈魂的渴望,也是神藉由每一個靈魂在體驗祂自己的過程,因此產生靈魂的「與神分離」,並在心智上視自己是與神分離的。)
勿判決,也勿譴責定罪。(Judge not, and neither condemn.)
Hell is the experience of separation from God. Yet anyone who does not wish to experience eternal separation does not have to. The mere desire for reunion with God produces it.
That is an extraordinary statement, and I am going to repeat it.
The mere desire for reunion with God produces it.
Forgiveness is never necessary, since no true offense can ever be committed by or against Divinity itself, given that Divinity itself is All That Is. This is something that advanced cultures understand. Who would forgive whom? And, for what?
Does the eye forgive the ear?
The hand may comfort the toe, true enough. It may rub it and heal it and make it better. But does it need to forgive the toe? Or could it be that forgiving is just another word for comforting in the language of the soul?
I have inspired it to be written: Love means never having to say you’re sorry.
When your culture, too, understands this, you will never again condemn yourself or another for those times when the soul is “stubbing a toe.” You will never again embrace a vengeful, angry, damning God who would condemn you to everlasting torture for what would, to God, surely be less than the stubbing of a toe.
In that moment, you will relinquish forever your idea of a condemning God, for you will know that love could never condemn. Then you will condemn no one and nothing, either, according to My injunction: Judge not, and neither condemn.
Always remember that.
Judge not, and neither condemn.