尼爾:好吧,但要讓這發生並非一件容易的事。幾世紀、幾千年以來,大多數宗教都未曾認真地思考過一個 「關於神 」 的新概念───我的意思是,一個真正的新想法,一個激進的新理念。
尼爾:而現在,突然之間,他們怎麼會想要認真地思考「關於神 」 的新概念?
世界上的人們會想要那樣,而那力量會要求宗教擴展它們的觀點,以讓人們跟隨(The people of the world will, and that will require religions to expand their point of view and to go along.),否則宗教將失去它們的信徒。
是的,那是無可避免的。(It is inevitable.)
是的。那全都是演化過程的一部分。(Yes. It is all part of the process of evolution.)
I tell you this: On some future tomorrow all of humanity will understand that what has just been said about Life can also be said about God. It will also be said about God.
It will be said about Tomorrow’s God.
Neale: Okay, but as I observed before, making this happen is not going to be easy. Most religions have not seriously considered a new idea about God—I mean, a really new idea, a radically new idea—in centuries, in millennia.
That’s basically true.
Neale: And now, all of a sudden, they are going to?
The people of the world will, and that will require religions to expand their point of view and to go along, or lose their followers.
Neale: You’re sure all this is going to happen, yes?
Yes. It is inevitable.
Neale: And it will change everything?
Yes. It is all part of the process of evolution.